Due to a hack of the institutional platform, articles before Vol. 22 No. 1 2018 are available at https://rhistoria.usach.cl/
Central Dossier
A set of academic articles that address a specific topic previously selected by the Editorial Board. Every two years the Editorial Board calls on the scientific community to submit their proposals for a dossier. By open vote, the eight members select four proposals.
Any scientific text where the total or partial result of an investigation is exposed in an original way with the purpose of contributing to the knowledge of history and/or social sciences. Proposals must be submitted through the platform.
Research Notes
They are informative texts intended to publicize findings or reflections of research that has not necessarily been completed
Theory and Debate
Any document that problematizes a subject from a theoretical perspective, carrying out an exhaustive bibliographic review.
It is that brief document that examines a scientific work highlighting its main characteristics, field of knowledge where it is inserted and its value for the disciplinary development.
Copyright Notice
By submitting an article to RHSM, the authors agree to transfer the ownership of the author's economic rights to the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. The assignment of economic rights does not imply the assignment of moral rights, given that these rights are unrenounceable, imprescriptible, unseizable, and inalienable. Therefore, the authors will continue to own moral rights.
The commitments they assume as authors are:
1. Authors agree to submit for evaluation under the criteria established by the RHSM editorial policy.
2. The article is original, unpublished, and has not been submitted for review to other journals. 3. The article is original, unpublished and has not been reviewed in different journals.
4. The ethical principles of the research have been preserved both in the study procedure itself and in the article.
5. The authors declare no conflicts of interest arising from relationships with any institution, commercial entity, or other association.
6. The authors have the means to evidence the respective permissions on the original copyrights for the aspects or elements extracted from other documents.
7. If this article is published, all the author's economic rights are transferred free of charge. The rights of printing and reproduction in any form and by any means of adaptation and distribution belong to the journal. It is also accepted that there is no impede to doing so, assuming responsibility for any claim action, legal or otherwise, that may be generated by plagiarism, rectification, or any claim.
8. The authorship of the article is open access.