Research Data
Research data includes all documents, other than the scientific publication (i.e., the article to be published), that have been used or produced during the course of the scientific research presented, and are used as evidence in the research process, or that are commonly accepted by the research community as necessary to validate the conclusions and results of the research.
Access to data is essential to ensure the verification and reproducibility of the results presented.
The following should be considered:
- Protection of personal data in the project and regarding its reuse by third parties.
- Ethical aspects related to the data to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the people involved.
- Specific requirements imposed by funding entities.
This journal recommends that authors deposit their data in suitable repositories. The repositories must ensure both the retrieval and access to the data, as well as long-term preservation.
The chosen repository should be a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) repository and open access, offering:
- Guidelines for data standards
- A DOI that will be used to link the data to the published article
- User instructions on the terms under which the deposited datasets can be used
- Use of open licenses, for example: Creative Commons
The goal of this policy is to promote scientific development and ensure that the research can be validated, replicated, and analyzed for other studies.
The re3data registry of research data repositories can be consulted, keeping in mind that each repository has its own deposit rules.
The article should mention that the data have been deposited in a repository, providing a description of the data type, the repository's name and URL, the identifier code, and the licensing information. This information should appear at the end of the article, before the bibliography list, under the heading "Data Availability."