Peer review process

  • Arboles y Rizomas adheres to a policy of anonymous double-blind, peer-review evaluation. Submissions are evaluated by external evaluators from the Collaborators Committee or others, depending on the theme of the article. 
  • Even though the authors are responsible for potential plagiarized content, the editorial office, by using freely available online software (Turnitin), scans the content for plagiarism.
  • The corresponding author receives an email confirmation, informing them whether the manuscript is properly structured or not. The author has14 days to edit the formal aspects of the article, if needed.
  • The journal identifies external academic reviewers for the evaluation process either from the Collaborators Committe or other data banks.
  • The academic reviewer assigned is asked to evaluate the manuscript using the Peer Review Evaluation Form
  • The academic reviewer submits a suggestion to the Editor
  • Three decisions are possible:
    • Accept the manuscript as submitted
    • Accept it with revisions
    • Reject the manuscript because it does not meet the journal’s criteria