Testimony and resistance in La mujer habitada by Gioconda Belli
Latin American novel, Gioconda Belli, testimonial narrative, resistance, gender perspectiveAbstract
This research studies the novel La mujer habitada (1988), by Gioconda Belli, from the perspective of resistance in testimonial literature. Through the voices of two female main characters, placed in different historical periods, the novel questions the structures of a patriarchal system that perpetuates political oppression and gender inequality. The analysis focuses on two dimensions of resistance: political and gender. The first section examines the character's process of political awareness, her solidarity with the oppressed and her shift towards action, focusing the analysis on her struggle and resistance against a dictatorial regime that imposes silence through violence in Nicaraguan society. The second section, in turn, explores the female experience in contexts of oppression, it critiques traditional gender roles, and highlights female empowerment as a key element in the construction of a new social order. In conclusion, the research analyzes how Belli's work encourages readers to reflect on the importance of active political participation as a means to become agents of change.
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