Memory and capital. For a new cultural criticism




cultural critique, neoliberal fascism, dispositives of memory, proletarianization, anarchy of the senses


Inscribed within the series of commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état in Chile, this work recovers the centrality of cultural criticism as a starting point to develop an interrogation of the memorial dispositives implemented by neoliberal governmentality. It attempts to incorporate, at the same time, the contributions of Bernard Stiegler and his criticism of the retention devices characteristic of hyper-industrial societies; societies defined by a standardization and simplification of memory, and by a type of symbolic misery that favors new forms of stupidization and proletarianization. The essay concludes by returning to the problem of neoliberal fascism as the main effect of the programming of life triggered by the productive and reproductive apparatuses of capital.


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How to Cite

Memory and capital. For a new cultural criticism. (2023). Árboles Y Rizomas, 5(2), 47-59.