Historical Forms of Gradual Transnationalisation of Tourism and the Perpetual Motion Machine behind It





globalisation, tourism, multinational companies, economics


The growing importance of international trade is affecting national tourism. Transnational companies (TNCs) are becoming increasingly important in the tourism sector. The purpose of the article is to clarify the significance of the transnationalization of tourism for economic processes throughout the world and in individual countries. To achieve the goal, the article used the methods of analysis and study of statistical data. As a result, it can be noted that the influence of TNCs on the economic sector is considerable, but reciprocal. The economic component of each country determines the level of opportunities for the development of a tourist destination. In the future, tourism will mainly grow in developing destinations. Many of these countries are at least partly dependent on international tourism to support their economic development. TNCs can contribute to the socio-economic development of these countries, for example, through foreign direct investment and transfer of technology and expertise, concluding management contracts or franchising.


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