Pluriverse (Neo)Peasant: Knowledge and Care of the Wineries in Climate Vulnerability Scenarios in Chile




wineries, knowledge, care, pluriverses, climate resilience


In the context of the global climate crisis and the mega-drought that affects rainfed agriculture in the south-central zone of Chile, this article analyzes the peasant vineyard as a historical and collaborative common, resulting from traditional and agroecological knowledge and practices. That represents a pluriverse for local climate resilience, amid multiple spoils and enclosures associated with agro-industrial viticulture and corporate forest plantations. The document analyzes how the small vintners of the Itata and Cauquenes valleys protect their heritage, from an interdisciplinary perspective, which integrates contributions from geology by evaluating the biophysical manifestations of climate change in these valleys, considering Social Sciences with an analysis of the practices of care and production of the wine commons) and Law (evaluating the possible legal frameworks for the care and defense of the vineyard). All these actions are integrated from the approach of political ecology and climate justice, from which it is proposed that the peasant vineyard is an activity that protects the territory, the cultural heritage, and the socio-environmental well-being of the communities, in the context of climate change.


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