Perception of Soil Salinization in a Wine-Growing Area of Argentina




drylands, groundwater, irrigated areas, irrigation, productive restoration


Salt-affected soils occupy 1,000 million hectares and concentrate in arid and semi-arid regions, affecting between 20 and 30% of irrigated lands. Primary salinization is derived from natural conditions, while secondary salinization is the product of anthropic factors. Salinized agricultural plots can be abandoned and excluded from the productive system. In this context, productive restoration is an opportunity to recover these sites. Our objective is to inquire about the environmental perception of the social actors of salinization. We aim at transversally incorporating the social component in productive restoration planning. Our study case was the East Zone of the North Oasis of Mendoza, where almost half of the irrigated area is cultivated by vines, almost a quarter is abandoned land, and the rest includes olive trees, fruit trees, and vegetables. We conducted semi-structured interviews to identify the main lines of perception, which were analyzed to recognize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the design of productive restoration projects at a local scale. Strategic, efficient, and sustainable planning must include the social dimension.


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