Spatial Planning: Strategic Vision of Rural Urban Fringe in Adelia María, Córdoba




urban planning, rural planning, land use, municipal government, modeling


The article shows how to design and evaluate the strategic vision for the Rural Urban Fringe in Adelia María, Córdoba, Argentina, and signify the commitments to the SDG 2030 agenda. Although the local periurban presents uses that synergize its operation, the community perceives unfavorable use that are not complementary (for example, bad odors from local production). A multicriteria stepwise procedure was used to design the vision and engage stakeholders. First, problems and aspirations were identified through interviews. Second, four RUF visions with strategic land uses were designed and evaluated. Third, the visions were evaluated with the PROMETHEE method. The results show that the actors want a RUF model that exceeds the trend. The chosen vision is complementary. Locate an industrial estate and take advantage of a forest area to reduce odors and noise. Additionally, it densifies future settlements on vacant land and expands the urban area by just 11% to include scattered residences. It locates 19 ha of agricultural parks and distributes recreational areas in the urban sprawl. The vision requires political efforts, and investments and shows how to signify the SDG 2030. The actors positively valued the planning process and how to agree on solutions to structural problems of the territory.


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