The Recent Setback in the Performance of the Argentinian Berries and Cherries Complex
markets, performance, exports, competition, berries and cherriesAbstract
The characteristics of the Argentinian berries and cherries exporting complex turned out to be suitable for an increasingly exigent global demand in terms of quality and variety. However, during the period considered, the complex could not sustain its supply and the competition displaced its products. The objective is to show quantitative evidence of this phenomenon and shed light on the margin of responsibility that the evolution of the real exchange rate had in Argentina, under the following hypotheses: (1) the impulse of demand has been significant throughout the period; (2) market positioning was based on the ability to compete on price and, once this ability was lost, export performance has been negative, and (3) the evolution of the composition of the export basket has negatively conditioned export performance. Through the decomposition of export growth and analysis of the components’ evolution, using data from BACI-CEPII, period 1999-2018, and according to the Ahmadi-Esfahani (2006) methodology, the proposed hypotheses were verified. The conclusion is that the ability to compete was associated with the real exchange rate behavior, what throughout the period conditioned the export growth.
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