The Avocado Cluster in Mexico. Sustained Growth from Production and Market Development




avocado cluster, business integration, competitiveness, economic spillover, market development


Since the nineties of the last century, the avocado cluster in the state of Michoacán, Mexico, has presented important transformations linked to the presence of new actors, foreign direct investment, promotion and marketing strategies, and safe production processes, consolidating itself as one of the most competitive agricultural products nationwide. The objective of this article is to analyze the emergence, development and economic impact of the avocado cluster. The methodology was based on the reprocessing of primary and secondary information, literature review, web pages of marketing companies and promoters of the product, interviews with key players in the industry, as well as several visits to the different avocado areas. For the statistical information, we used the data of the Mexican Agriculture Department, including agricultural censuses; reports from agricultural foundations; the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the State Board of Plant Health. Concluding that, after several generations, the producers became entrepreneurs, still maintaining their link and work with the field. Likewise, commercial opportunities have allowed a generalized economic spill in the region with social and environmental implications, outlining new lines of research.


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