Ethical Principles
The Journal "Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología" follows the ethical guidelines proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in its Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (1). The Journal has established the following ethical standards and best editorial practices:
General Editorial Commitments
- Work towards meeting the needs and expectations of its readers and authors.
- Continuously improve the journal in terms of article quality, indexing, and visibility.
- Promote and defend freedom of expression.
- Prioritize the academic and intellectual quality of the journal over commercial or other reasons.
- Be available to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.
Research Integrity (2)
The Journal establishes the following criteria:
- Observable Behaviors: Actions or omissions related to designing, organizing, carrying out, evaluating, or requesting research projects that deliberately or carelessly distort research results, mislead about personal contributions, or violate other professional norms. If misconduct is suspected, an investigation will take place.
- Reports of Irregularities or Misconduct: The main editor and editorial assistant may receive reports of irregularities in research observed and reported by duly identified individuals. If the reports are accompanied by evidence, an internal investigation will begin. If the situation is severe, university-defined administrative procedures (summary investigation) will be followed.
- Proper Use of Images: Articles should present results through a mix of text, tables, images, and graphs. However, inappropriate manipulation of images is not accepted, as it leads to misleading interpretations. The Journal does not accept image fabrication, falsification, or manipulation.
- Redundancy of Data: Researchers should not publish previously published data as original. Authors should not submit a manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously. If the Editorial Team detects this, the manuscript will be retracted.
Information Delivery Regarding a Publication
The main editor will provide all available information related to the origin of a publication. Information on editorial policy, ethical standards, best practices, author instructions, and other related topics will be publicly available on the journal's website.
Interaction with Authors
The editor and editorial committee will safeguard the quality of the material published. They have defined "Instructions for Authors" specifying the requirements for article or review submission for evaluation. Decisions on article approval or rejection will be based on a report from peer reviewers, considering factors such as topic importance, originality, clarity, and coherence.
Interaction with Reviewers
The Journal will provide a review guideline for articles, informing authors about aspects evaluated by reviewers. The identities of reviewers will be kept confidential. The editor will have a mechanism for handling complaints and appeals from reviewers and authors, which can go through various levels of appeal.
Criticisms of Published Articles
The journal’s executive team will receive substantiated criticisms of published articles, which will be forwarded to the respective authors. Authors will have the right to respond directly to the individuals involved or through the journal's executive team.
Ethical-Academic Integrity
The editorial team must ensure that published content adheres to internationally accepted ethical criteria. If necessary, authors will be asked to provide ethical evidence (ethics committees, review boards, etc.). The editorial team reserves the right to impose final sanctions.
Commercial Aspects
The journal is open access and free of charge. It does not charge any fees for publication and strictly prohibits its commercial use by third parties, except for direct reproduction costs.
Conflict of Interests
The journal has mechanisms to address conflicts of interest between editorial members, authors, and reviewers. Complaints or disputes can be addressed by the editorial committee or the journal's executive team, including the appointment of a final impartial arbitrator.
Plagiarism and Self-plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious violation of professional ethics and is not accepted. The journal uses Turnitin to check for plagiarism. If a plagiarized manuscript is submitted, the author will be severely reprimanded. The editorial team will also follow procedures to address suspected plagiarism, including deadlines for responses and final decisions within 60 days.