The GPT Journal was founded in 2008 within the then Department of General Technologies as an initiative of the areas of People Management (known at the time as Personnel Administration) and Technological and Innovation Management.
The Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología Electronic Journal has two main objectives: (1) to disseminate essays and research findings in the fields of people management or human resources and technology, understood in its broadest sense; and (2) to promote the creation and strengthening of academic and professional networks in Latin America and the Spanish-speaking world.
The Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología Journal began publication in 2008 with a four-month periodicity. It is published in April, August, and December of each year, until the last business day of the month, under an open-access model, meaning it is free of charge for authors and readers alike.
The publication of the Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología Journal is sponsored and funded by the Departamento de Tecnologías de Gestión, Facultad Tecnológica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, and the Dirección de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica of the Vicerrectoría de Investigación at the University of Santiago, Chile.