Telework as an evolution of economic and production relations: a look towards 2030




Employment, Innovation, Performance


The evolution of teleworking has occurred along with the development in the last forty years. Its relationship with increasingly globalized work environments demands that this practice be analyzed from the perspective of the 2030 Agenda and, above all, what kind of economic, labor and even personal and family consequences of the workers will they have. The objective of this document is to highlight the relevance of teleworking as a work modality through secondary data for the promotion of productivity. A documentary research was used based on statistical information made up of historical series obtained from different official sources, such as: National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics in Mexico, of the US government, Eurostat in Europe, among others. The statistical information is from the period 2013 to 2020. The results show that the practice of teleworking generates an improvement in productivity in organizations of various characteristics. It also promotes better wages, promotes the level of commitment between workers and employers in such a way that labor ties and the bond between these actors is reinforced when productivity increases. Finally, it should be noted that, in countries such as Mexico or Argentina, which recently arrived at the widespread implementation of teleworking, legislation has been produced that seeks to regularize its practice, which can increase, jointly by companies and workers, levels of productivity and job satisfaction as long as the balance between the interests of those who demand the work of their collaborators and those who carry it out is taken care of. In addition, another challenge that these countries must face are the technological advances that imply greater investment in R&D, infrastructure and training of the main organizational actors.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Agustín Tapia Alba, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

    Doctorado en Estudios Sociales por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Profesor Investigador Facultad de Negocios Internacionales Logística Internacional, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. Puebla, México.

  • Cesaire Chiatchoua, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

    Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas por la Escuela Superior de Economía del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Profesor Investigador Escuela Superior de Economía, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. México.


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How to Cite

Telework as an evolution of economic and production relations: a look towards 2030. (2022). People and Technology Management Journal, 15(45), 30.