Bibliometric analysis of age generations




Age generations, work behavior, human resources management, bibliometric studies


This research aimed to show how scientific production has developed on age generations at work, the scientific production that was used was indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The methodology used was bibliometric with data from 2000 to April 2021, using the Bibliometrix program for the analysis of 485 documents, distributed in journals, articles, papers, editorial, letters, notes, reviews and short interviews. The analyzes carried out were to the annual scientific production, the sources, the authors and the documents. It could be concluded that scientific production is very low, even though it has been increasing over time, the sources that have contributed more studies on the subject are related to the health area, most of the authors work together and the most relevant documents are published in both databases.


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Author Biographies

  • Jorge Sánchez Henríquez, Universidad de Talca

    PhD. ULSETB de Bélgica. Contador Público y Contador Auditor. Académico Universidad de Talca. Chile.

  • Javiera Loyola Vergara, 4 de Julio SPA

    Auditora e Ingeniera en Control de Gestión y Licenciada en Auditoría. Administrador 4 de Julio SPA, Chile.


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People Management

How to Cite

Bibliometric analysis of age generations. (2021). People and Technology Management Journal, 14(42), 28.