Diagnosis of the maturity index of the work environment management in the Health Care Unit of the Universidad de Santiago


  • Cristóbal Abedrapo Gallardo
  • Patrick Carvajal Pastén Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Germán Flores Contreras Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Clima organizacional, madurez de clima, instituciones públicas


This article presents the main results of a diagnostic study of the maturity index of the work environment carried out in the Health Care Unit of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. This study was a degree project to obtain the professional title of Manager of Industries at Universidad de Santiago de Chile. In particular, this research is based on the application of tool number 6 of the Evolutive Model of Labour Environment called "Maturity Index of work environment management" (Vergara, 2015). Additionally, the research team carried out an in-depth analysis of the diagnosis with the aim of identifying different levels of work environment maturity within the studied groups. This allowed to obtain a greater clarity of what has been done giving rise to future interventions that can be implemented for its improvement. The research group also proposes that this study is contextualised in the promotion of the State of Chile to promote environment management in public institutions as a strategic aspect to improve the efficiency of service delivery, in addition to contributing to the best quality of work life of people.


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Author Biographies

  • Cristóbal Abedrapo Gallardo

    Magíster en Gestión de Personas y Dinámica Organizacional, Universidad de Chile. 

    Diplomado en Coaching Organizacional, Universidad de Chile.

    Licenciado en Organización y Gestión Tecnológica, Universidad de Santiago.
  • Patrick Carvajal Pastén, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

    Licenciado en Organización y Gestión Tecnológica y Administrador de Industrias, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

    Diplomado en Gestión de las Personas, Universidad de Santiago.


  • Germán Flores Contreras, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

    Administrador de Industrias y Tecnólogo en Control Industrial, Universidad de Santiago.

    Diplomado en Gestión de las Personas, Universidad de Santiago.







People Management

How to Cite

Diagnosis of the maturity index of the work environment management in the Health Care Unit of the Universidad de Santiago. (2018). People and Technology Management Journal, 11(32), 17. https://revistas.usach.cl/ojs/index.php/revistagpt/article/view/3347