The Culture of Integrity and Citizen Participation: A Story of Experiences with University Students


  • Prisca Nahum Lajud Universidad Veracruzana
  • Eva Leticia Amezcua García Universidad Veracruzana
  • Francisco Espinosa Mejía Universidad Veracruzana


Competencias, Valores, Aprendizaje, Coaching, Sociedad y Cultura


This article discusses the experience of students from the sixth semester of the February-July 2016 period of the Veracruzana University in the field of Industrial Relations in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico: "Development of labor competencies and Business coaching ". In order to create in the students a citizenship and integral consciousness, awakening the desire to contribute to the improvement of a healthier and more competent society, showing the participation that the 40 young people that took the subject had with the citizens of the locality, having Coexisting with different social groups linked to the university since the beginning of the semester: public administration, private initiative, civil association, and independent people, managing to convey a new competence acquired through the coaching process.           

The results were measured and qualified through the different competencies developed and shown by each team in the different scenarios with audiences ranging from executives to housewives, depending on which organization was linked to. The evaluation was made through the instruments designed by the students, where three evaluators took as a jury obtaining the sum and average of the evaluated items as qualification. This qualification beyond serving them to approve the subject, was the proof of having concluded a learning process in many ways. The contribution that this work made with students with different social sectors, contributed a great approach and knowledge to know how to participate as responsible citizens.


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Author Biographies

  • Prisca Nahum Lajud, Universidad Veracruzana

    Licenciada en Administración de Empresas; Maestría en Educación y Maestría en Administración de personal y Recursos Humanos. Doctorante en estudios de Alta Dirección de Empresas.

    Universidad Veracruzana, facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales. Miembro Cuerpo Académico Paradigmas de las Ciencias Administrativas, posee Reconocimiento de Perfil Deseable PRODEP.

    Xalapa, México.
  • Eva Leticia Amezcua García, Universidad Veracruzana

    Lic. en Contaduría Universidad Veracruzana, Lic. en Comercio Internacional Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Maestra en Cs. Administrativas especialidad Finanzas Universidad Veracruzana. Profesor Tiempo Completo Universidad Veracruzana.   Miembro Cuerpo Académico Paradigmas de las Cs. Administrativas, Reconocimiento PRODEP.

    Xalapa, México.
  • Francisco Espinosa Mejía, Universidad Veracruzana

    Ing. Químico Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Maestría en Administración Instituto de Estudios Superiores de las Cs. Administrativas Universidad Veracruzana. Doctorado en Ciencias Técnicas Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echeverría” Fac. de Ing. Industrial de la Habana. Perfil PRODEP

    Xalapa, México.




People Management

How to Cite

The Culture of Integrity and Citizen Participation: A Story of Experiences with University Students. (2017). People and Technology Management Journal, 10(29), 15.