Salary minimum in Chile, discussion and social implications


  • Sergio Meneses Ponce Fundación Integra


Sueldo, Salario Mínimo, Chile


The minimum wage is usually associated with a variety of factors, mainly it is related to the country´s economy, being the components of the basic basket the prominent one (food, transportation, clothing, housing, basic medicines, energy, water and services). Therefore; it is expected that the minimum wage allows to a more socially unprotected family lives with the necessary and basic, this is to pay, their basic needs but without luxury.

Despite the great economic development of Chile, and giving emphasis to different public polices, the democratic governments (after the dictatorship) are still insufficient in terms of social policies such, as to, guarantee a basic access to health, education, equal rights for all citizens and to have a minimum income according to the real needs of workers their families and society as a whole.


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Author Biography

  • Sergio Meneses Ponce, Fundación Integra

    Tecnólogo en Administración de Personal

    Bachiller en Tecnología

    Administrador de Industrias ©




People Management

How to Cite

Salary minimum in Chile, discussion and social implications. (2016). People and Technology Management Journal, 9(26), 9.