Proposal of a model for managing the open innovation in networks of innovation in Cauca-Colombia


  • Yury Castillo Molina Universidad del Cauca


revista gpt, usach, logt, adin, rr.hh.


This paper presents  the results of research made to build a model that facilitates the promotion of open innovation in Cauca-Colombia  through the networks of Innovation,  they are structures in which there are participants from academia, the business sector, the state and the community who work together to develop innovative products in a specific sector. To this end, a review of models of existing innovation management is performed to facilitate the identification of the most important variables to consider in the proposed model.


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Author Biography

  • Yury Castillo Molina, Universidad del Cauca

    Magister en estudios interdisciplinarios del desarrollo, Universidad del Cauca

    Administradora de Empresas, Universidad del Cauca.

    Docente, Investigadora  del Grupo Modelos Regionales de Competitividad, Universidad del Cauca-CREPIC.

    Popayán, Colombia.


How to Cite

Proposal of a model for managing the open innovation in networks of innovation in Cauca-Colombia. (2016). People and Technology Management Journal, 9(25), 14.