Do we move towards the transformation of local public administration?
revista gpt, usach, logt, adin, rr.hh.Abstract
In times of crisis like those currently going through, the reform of the Local Public Administration specifically with regard to the development of human resources is essential. Specifically one that has to do with qualified human capital, that is, one that allows municipalities have staff who possess the knowledge, skills, competencies, and skills that enable them to achieve technological advances, innovation and development of the territories in which are inserted; and thereby provide answers to citizens and legal mandate, to meet the needs of the community.
Given the precarious, from the point of view of stability and professional development of municipal officials, and the low level of skilled human capital they present, it is the nerve system reform, which is currently underway in Congress, is a reform that solves the underlying problem and not prime the fine print, or private interests over the public interest. This is because what is at stake is some opportunity to lay the foundations needed by our country to achieve development.