About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Publication of the Department of Management Technologies, Technological Faculty, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
People and Technology Management (Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología) is an electronic journal created for the publication of original articles, as essays or research papers – related to people and technology management - mainly written in Latin America and the Hispanic world.
As its name implies, the journal is mainly divided in two sections: People and Technology; each of them is further divided into the following subsections: Essays and Research Papers. It is published in the months of April, August and December of each year on the first working day, articles will be published free of charge to the authors, providing open access to the community of readers. Every issue will contain a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of six (6) articles, reaching a total of at least 18 published articles every year.
The journal may be accessed on line at www.revistagpt.usach.cl and www.revistas.usach.cl.
Peer Review Process
For submitting manuscripts, authors should log in or register in the following web site: http://www.revistas.usach.cl/ojs/index.php/revistagpt/user/register, fill in the information required and submit the manuscript so that the edition and publication process can be started.
Manuscripts (essays and research papers) submitted to the journal People and Technology Management are first assessed by the editorial assistant using a checklist and then they are sent to a (blind) peer-review process by experts working at and outside the University, who will write a report determining if the article qualifies for being published.
Peers can suggest authors to make changes and modifications to their articles.
If authors agree and make the recommended changes, the article will be published.
Every article in the journal will be published with the date it was received and approved.
Stages of the peer review process
1. First, the articles received will be subject to a preliminary evaluation by the members of the Editorial Committee, the Executive Director and / or Principal Editor of the journal, who will initially determine the relevance of their publication.
2. Once it is established that the article meets the thematic requirements, in addition to the formal requirements indicated in these instructions to the authors, it will be sent to two external academic peers, who will anonymously determine:
2.1. Publish without changes.
2.2. Publish when minor corrections have been made.
2.3. Publish once a thorough review has been done, and
2.4. To refuse.
3. In case of discrepancy between the two results, the text will be sent to a third expert, whose decision will define its publication.
The results of the peer evaluation process and the respective opinion will be final in all cases.
The format used for the peer evaluation is available and downloadable at the following link: Evaluation Guideline
Peer-review Criteria
Decisions about the publication of submitted manuscripts will be mainly based on the following assessment criteria:
- Relevance to the scope of the Journal in the areas of People and Technology.
- Scientific quality and /or academic orientation.
- Originality.
- Clarity in the discussion of theoretical approaches and in the argumentation of statements, proposals, etc.
- Compliance with all publishing requirements according to the instructions for authors written above.
Publication Frequency
Open Access Policy
This journal provides free and open access to its content under the principle of making research available to the public at no cost, as this promotes a greater exchange of knowledge in the world. The journal has an updated electronic backup in the ALMA Library Management System. In relation to access to the content in the event that it ceases to be published, the University will have an OJS platform (version 2) to view the information, once the regulations for the institution's journals are approved.
People and Technology Management Journal is financially supported by:
- Department of Management Technologies, Technological Faculty, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
- Directorate of Scientific and Technological Research of the Vice-rectory for Research, Development and Innovation, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.