The Responde of State to the Absence of Ombudsman

Anatomy of the Defense of the Citizenship Rights in the Last Decade in Chile, XXI Century




Human Rights, Ombudsman, Citizenship, Public Service


Since the return to democracy, five bills have been presented in the National Congress to create the figure of Ombudsman in Chile, but none has materialized. However, various public services like the general theory of Ombudsman have been created to protect citizens against violations of their rights, focusing on specific issues. This study focuses on the operation of these public services that cover matters of attention of an Ombudsman, exposing the scope of its management and the main rights defended between 2010 and 2020, presenting an update data matrix about the defense of citizenship right in Chile.


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Author Biography

  • Cristian Alejandro De la Rosa Escobar, Estudiante de último año de Administración Pública en la Universidad Austral de Chile

    Current student of the last year of the Public Administration career at the Austral University of Chile, current student of the Master's Degree in Human Resources Management and Administration at the European University of Madrid and current official of the Judiciary. Originally from Viña del Mar, I came to the south to study and I have ended up doing an important part of my life translated into the first step to independence. Always interested in public matters, I want to be a contribution to society, knowledge and the common good, and never lose hope that "things" can improve.



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