Local Citizen Assemblies

The Experience of Gdansk, Poland, and its Applicability in Communes of Chile. An Analysis of Puerto Montt Commune.


  • Marcelo Andrés Villarroel Pérez Universidad Austral de Chile




Citizen Involvement, Citizen Assemblies, Deliberative Democracy, Gdansk Assemblies


In the last 20 years, instances of deliberative democracy have been created in accordance with the model of citizen assemblies, with the purpose of including citizens in decision-making and/or resolving controversial issues. This article analyses the citizen assemblies held in Gdansk, Poland, and discusses their applicability at the local level in the Chilean context. The methodology used is documentary analysis based on defined categories and is contrasted with the local reality of the communes and referencing the Puerto Montt commune and its mechanisms of citizen involvement. The results indicate there are participation tools with various depth levels that serve as a kick for its implementation. In this sense, it seeks to establish what elements for adopting in a transfer of this experience to the Puerto Montt commune?


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