Political Cycle and Sports Infrastructure Investment
Political budget cycles, Elections, Sports infrastructure, Alignment, InvestmentAbstract
This document analyzes the existence of the political budget cycle in chilean regional governments that, have transferred resources for investments in sports infrastructure to the municipalities of the country. Taking as a reference studies that demonstrate the possibility of influencing the elections when the budget is manipulated, a data panel was built from 2007 to 2018, with the amounts of investments made and grouped by municipality, with the aim of exploring if, in the years of mayors and presidential elections, more resources were allocated for investments. The estimates made indicate that, there is a political budget cycle in the mayors elections of 2008 and to a greater extent in 2012. Also, it is concluded that mayors who are aligned with the same political coalition of the regional mayor, invest greater resources for sports infrastructure than mayors not aligned in the mayors elections of 2008, 2012 and 2016.
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