Who throws the stones? Gender roles in the protests against the chilean dictatorship (Santiago, 1983-1987)


  • Joaquín Antonio Trincado Pizarro Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile




Gender, Protest, Violence, Dictatorship, Women


This research approaches the protests against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile, from the
perspective of the gender role configuration for men and women within this process. The analysis
approaches the tension and relationship between these roles and class, political placement about the use of
violence and the mainly masculine opposition parties’ strategies. Based on photographic material,
personal interviews and documentation, a landscape of politicization and protest activities is drafted for
the capital city of Santiago, including spaces such as urban slums and universities, volunteer work and church organizations, always focusing in men’s and women’s different tasks, taking these roles into
tension with the traditional gender ideas.


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How to Cite

Who throws the stones? Gender roles in the protests against the chilean dictatorship (Santiago, 1983-1987). (2018). Palimpsesto, 8(14), 129-150. https://doi.org/10.35588/9aw8n015