The Importance of the Fundamental Right to Work for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Brazil




dignity of human person, social inclusion, fundamental right to work, person with disability


The importance of the fundamental right to work for people with disabilities is examined, based on the Brazilian social reality, but whose conclusions can be adjusted to other regions of the continent, given that the exercise of a paid professional activity is an instrument that helps in the development of autonomy and in guaranteeing access to material goods necessary for the enjoyment of a minimally dignified life for all people with disabilities, regardless of nationality, highlighting the concept of person with disabilities provided for in article 1 of the International Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities. Methodologically, the research is characterized by being bibliographic inductive, combining the survey of theoretical references with the foundation of hypotheses and deductions that emerged throughout its development. As for the objective, it consists of understanding and explaining that the existence of normative acts, in itself, is not sufficient, and the State, in conjunction with civil society organizations, must promote the necessary efforts to realize the right to work for people with disabilities, so that they actively participate in social relations, corresponding, therefore, to the requirement of a pluralistic society in which differences must be celebrated.


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How to Cite

Antunes Maranho, B. C. (2024). The Importance of the Fundamental Right to Work for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Brazil. Estudios Avanzados, 41, 173-192.

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