Objects and Subjects that Migrate: Bridges of Material Memory between Origin and Destination of LGTBI+ People
objects, migrants, LGBTBI+, memory, emotionsAbstract
Migratory movements are not only made up of subjects who move from one place to another, but part of these routes depend on and are articulated with various types of materiality that are not always considered in research as factors that facilitate or obstruct said trajectories. In this article we pay attention to how migrant objects are a constitutive part of the transfers of migrant subjects of gender-based dissidence, allowing them various identification processes in their various moments of mobility, as well as memory between origin and destination. Through a reflexivity exercise with migrant objects, the stories of four people from different countries who reside in Chile are analyzed. It is concluded that the relationship between migrant subject-object allows the generation of specific and unique memories, feelings and affects, which speak both of the change of residence and also of the changes associated with gender orientation and identity.
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