Note: A review of models for the analysis of conceptual metonymy in cognitive semantics.
conceptual metonymy, cognitive semantics, curriculum, figure of speech, Chilean SpanishAbstract
This note presents an overview of five models to approach the phenomenon of conceptual metonymy within the framework of cognitive semantics (Lakoff & Johnson, 1986, Lakoff, 1987; Langacker, 1993; Kövecses & Radden, 1998, Radden & Kövecses, 1999; Warren, 1999 and 2006, Panther & Thornburg, 1998; and Littlemore, 2015 and 2017). The principles underpinning these theoretical proposals are described, their advantages and limitations are pointed out, and examples from Chilean Spanish are provided. The objective of this review is to bring specialized knowledge about conceptual metonymy closer to schools in Chile, where the curriculum includes this figure of speech.
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