A semiotic essay on the feminine narrative identity in Lady Susan by Jane Austen.





identity, gender, Austen, semiotics, linguistics, Lady Susan


This essay entertains the hypothesis that a correlation between narrative identity and feminine identity may exist, and it provides an investigation of dynamic and hybrid nature. To achieve its purpose, the protagonist of the epistolary text Lady Susan by Jane Austen was the sample examined. According to the records available, this narrative was created throughout the years of 1793 and 1795, during a transition period of the author, from the Juvenilia works to her mature ones. Firstly, a basal search was done to briefly explore the possible definitions for the terms Identity and Gender Identity by authors such as John Locke and Michel Foucault amongst others. Secondly, they were contrasted with the concept of narrative identity created by Paul Ricoeur (2006). The application of this philosophic approach in a metalinguistic analysis in the opus enabled us to achieve a feminine narrative identity for Lady Susan. For this exploration, the corpus was divided into groups of perspectives in confrontation, to later search for textual samples, narrative combinations, itinerating characteristics, and viable themes this character may rise in distinct concepts of identity. The results revealed a particular feminine narrative identity, inserted in relevant themes, with considerable complainant potential.


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How to Cite

A semiotic essay on the feminine narrative identity in Lady Susan by Jane Austen. (2022). Árboles Y Rizomas, 4(2), 61-73. https://doi.org/10.35588/ayr.v4i2.5769