Claudio Bertoni’s diary as testing ground for his work


  • Mariela K Jara Rosales Investigadora independiente



Claudio Bertoni, personal diary, poetry, photography


It is possible to use an autobiographical and literary reading for any work, but in the intimate diary the reality / creation dichotomy comes to the fore, which is why it is necessary to delve into this type of writing. In this article, I analyze two of Claudio Bertoni's intimate diaries published as books: Rápido, antes de llorar (2007) and ¿A quién matamos ahora? (2011). I try to show that both texts are the core of his work, as origin and testing ground of his artistic creation. From the study of writers' diaries, it is possible to not only extract biographical data but also know their aesthetic systems, their beliefs and their writing processes. The research methodology consists in defining and describing the characteristics of the diary as genre, and then analyzing the intimate diaries of the Chilean poet by identifying both examples of texts or poems that have been published from his diaries and frequent themes in his personal notebooks, his poetry and his visual work. For this last aspect of the analysis, I focus on the similarities between the practice of the intimate diary and photography in his books Chilenas (2009), Desnudos (2009) and Desgarraduras (2009).


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How to Cite

Claudio Bertoni’s diary as testing ground for his work. (2020). Árboles Y Rizomas, 2(2), 88-105.