Soccer is war: a metaphorical approach to El Mercurio headlines.




conceptual metaphor, headlines, soccer


This article contains a qualitative analysis of the metaphorical expressions in the field of soccer in the context of the FIFA World Cup held in Russia in 2018. The corpus was gathered from headlines in the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio that dealt with this theme. The theoretical framework is based on Cognitive Linguistics, Lakoff & Johnson (2002), with emphasis on the Theory of Conceptual Metaphor. The study showed how the constructions of metaphors linked to football in Chilean Spanish, triggered mainly the domain "soccer is war ": either as an event, as a duel or as victory/ defeat, leading us, therefore, to reflect on the sociocognitive meanings that this sport assumes on Chilean people.


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How to Cite

Soccer is war: a metaphorical approach to El Mercurio headlines. (2019). Árboles Y Rizomas, 1(2), 18-32.