Vinification and Aging of Carignan Wines in Pañul’s Clay Vessels: Study of Wine Volatile Compounds
aging, clay, pottery, vessels, wineAbstract
Clay vessels have been used since several times to vinification and aging wines. Currently, wine producers have returned to use traditional production methods to provide differentiate attributes and increase the wine typicity. The goal of this research was to study the volatile compounds of Carignan wines a) vinified in stainless steel tanks and aged in Pañul's pottery vessels, and b) vinified and aging in Pañul’s pottery vessels. The results showed that the content of 1-hexanol, 2,3-butanediol, and α-terpinol was higher in wines vinified in stainless steel tanks and ageing in Pañul’s pottery vessels, while the content of 1-heptanol, butanoic acid, hexanoic acid and b-damascenone was higher in wines vinified and aged in Pañul’s pottery vessels. Carignan wines aged in Pañul’s pottery vessels presented aromatic attributes such as floral, fruity, citrus, almond, green apple, strawberry, and anise according to their odorant activity value. These results may be of interest to ceramic and wine producers, as they open a range of economic opportunities by diversifying their products.
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