Beneficiation of Venezuelan Criollo Cocoa: Variations in Proximal Composition, Methylxanthines and Polyphenols


  • Clímaco O. Álvarez
  • Elevina E. Pérez
  • Mary del Carmen Lares



Criollo cocoa, fat, total polyphenols, fermentation, theobromine, caffeine


The effect of the fermentation, drying and roasting process was studied through changes in the proximal chemical composition, methylxanthine and polyphenol contents in Venezuelan Criollo cocoa beans. The samples of unfermented, fermented and sun-dried beans came from a cocoa plantation located in “El Pedregal”, Mérida State, Venezuela. The roasting process was carried out conventionally at 120°, 25 min. The methodologies suggested by A.O.A.C.I. and COVENIN were used. Moisture, protein, ash and sugar values varied significantly (p≤0.05) between unfermented, fermented and sun-dried and roasted beans. No significant differences (p≤0.05) were observed between fermented and sun-dried grain (54.71%) and that subjected to roasting (54.68%). The theobromine and caffeine contents, varied in all the processes applied. The value of the theobromine/caffeine ratio was ≤ 2, evidencing that the sample is of the Criollo type. The high contents of (-)-epicatechin, procyanidin C1 and polyphenols were for unfermented and dry beans, with a significant effect of roasting on procyanidin B5, (-)-epicatechin and polyphenols. It was concluded that post-harvest processing and roasting affect the chemical components in the cocoa bean.


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