Assessment for the Insertion of Agroecological Female Farmers in the Provision of Restaurants




rural economy, agricultural development, women, marketing


The objective of this article is a diagnosis regarding the possibilities of insertion of agroecological female farmers in a short supply chain destined for restaurants. To do this, first, interviews were conducted with restaurant owners and managers in the O’Higgins Region, Chile, to identify the requirements they pose to their suppliers. Likewise, surveys and in-depth interviews were conducted with female farmers in the “Madre Tierra Germinando” (“Mother Earth Germinating”, in English) group, located in the Coastal Dryland of the O’Higgins Region. This, is to characterize their current productive and commercial situation, as well as their opinions. Through a chart, the information regarding the requirements of the restaurants and the characteristics and opinions of the female farmers were compared. The diversity and natural origin are an advantage of the female farmers; however, guaranteeing volume in a stable way, as well as transport, are the two requirements whose fulfillment is more complex. However, there is a positive attitude toward collaborative solutions; stable relationships based on mutual knowledge and trust between farmers and restaurants are essential.


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