Antecedents and Effects of Perceived Value: Wine Tourism in the Guadalupe Valley, Mexico
tourism industry, wine tourism destination, marketing, perceived value, MexicoAbstract
Mexico has launched initiatives that have generated brand recognition for its wine destinations, especially Valle de Guadalupe. However, it is necessary to have more evidence to understand the needs of new consumers. The objective of this article is to evaluate the brand value and attributes of the wine tourism destination Valle de Guadalupe on the perceived value of the destination experience, the intention to recommend and revisit the destination, and to explore if there is any difference in the relationships exposed in the model with respect to three demographic variables, gender, age, and place of origin. The method was through quantitative research, and the main results indicated that the brand value of the destination positively influences the perceived value of the destination experience, verifying the hypotheses proposed in this research. Also, the multigroup analysis showed that age influences three of the relationships in the model. It is concluded that brand value and attributes of a wine tourism destination positively influence the perceived value of the destination experience, which is directly reflected in the intention to recommend and revisit the Valle de Guadalupe destination.
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