Tourist Events Based on Food Heritage: State of Knowledge for Latin America




tourism, cultural heritage, social agency


Traditionally, the study of tourist events has been carried out from different disciplinary approaches, among which management, economics, and anthropology stand out. This has contributed to the formation of a body of knowledge where theoretical and methodological approaches converge that have promoted a progressive understanding of the object of study. The biocultural diversity of Latin America, evident through its food heritage, has led to the implementation of events as a means to value this type of heritage. Despite its relevance to the subcontinent, research on these types of events is not notable in the scientific literature. Therefore, the objective of this article is to identify trends and research gaps in the construction of knowledge about tourism events based on food heritage in Latin America. This study presents a bibliometric analysis and a systematization of the research lines developed up to now. The analysis carried out allowed us to recognize that there is a need to deepen the role of the agency of the local actors involved in this type of event since apart from fulfilling an economic function, its action is linked to the management and operation of the events allows strengthening the social fabric.


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