Editorial guidelines
All contributions to Palimpsesto must adhere to the following submission requirements:
- Format: Use Word (.doc) system, letter size, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. Documents must be justified both left and right, with no special tabulations and only one additional blank line between titles and paragraphs.
- Official Languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
- Title: The title should be brief, concise, and appropriate to the topic; written in Times New Roman (TNR) font size 16. At the end of the title, in a footnote indicated by an asterisk (*), include the origin of the work if it comes from a research project (title, registration, funding agency, year); conference or seminar (places or instances of presentation); whether it is personal or collective production; and the type of academic writing: research article, review article, or essay. The title should not include acronyms, abbreviations, or contractions. Directly below the title in the official language, the title must be translated into English, in Times New Roman font size 14.
- Abstract: Following the title, provide an abstract in Times New Roman font size 11, summarizing the key elements of the work: the research problem, inquiry strategy, and results. This abstract should not exceed 8 lines of text or 650 characters without spaces. Then, on a separate line, include five keywords related to the content of the text. Both the abstract and keywords must also be provided in English as "Abstract" and "Keywords."
- Body of the Text: The text should be written in TNR font size 12, single-spaced. Minimum length: 6,000 words; maximum length: 11,000 words. The writing should follow the scientific paper style and adhere to the IMRAD strategy. Generally, it should follow the traditional structure of Introduction, Problem, Results, and Conclusions. At the end of the text, include all bibliographic references and sources ordered by type and alphabetically. Only references actually consulted and used should be included, avoiding unnecessary and pedantic padding. Optionally, brief acknowledgments can be included at the end of the text (before the Bibliography). Italics are required for names of newspapers and journals (not in quotation marks). Literal quotes with medium length (3 to 5 lines) should have a left indent and right justification, font size 12.
- Citation: Follow APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition citation style.
- Graphs and Images: If the contribution includes images or graphics, they must be submitted separately in JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, in a compressed folder with the different files. Additionally, they must be numbered consecutively and explicitly referenced in the text in parentheses.
- Metadata: Contributions must be submitted through the journal's OJS platform, completing all the required information. The editorial team will not accept incomplete submissions.