The Right to Prior Consultation of the Wixárika Indigenous Peoples in the Construction of the "Las Cruces" Hydroelectric Dam of the Naáyeri Community (Cora) Presidio de los Reyes, Municipality of Ruiz, Nayarit, México


  • Olia Acuña Maldonado Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Law, Prior, free and informed consultation


The indigenous peoples of Mexico have the fundamental right to prior, free and informed consultation before the authorities take a decision or approve a project that is intended to be executed within the indigenous territories and that affects them directly or indirectly. This right is regulated by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, international treaties and federal laws, in order to provide indigenous peoples with legal tools within their reach and to defend their legitimate rights that for many centuries have corresponded to them

Author Biography

  • Olia Acuña Maldonado, Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México

    Profesora de Tiempo Completo Categoría C del Programa Educativo de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México. Maestría en Educación Social y Maestría en Derecho Constitucional y Amparo. Pasante de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales. Líneas de investigación Derechos Humanos, Igualdad de género.


Ramírez Lugo, Francisco Ricardo; Acuña Maldonado, Olia y Muñoz Chávez, Daniel. (2018). El Derecho a la consulta previa del pueblo indígena Wixárika en la construcción de la Presa Hidroeléctrica “Las Cruces” de la comunidad Naáyeri (Cora) Presidio de los Reyes, municipio de Ruiz, Nayarit, México.




How to Cite

The Right to Prior Consultation of the Wixárika Indigenous Peoples in the Construction of the "Las Cruces" Hydroelectric Dam of the Naáyeri Community (Cora) Presidio de los Reyes, Municipality of Ruiz, Nayarit, México. (2019). Palimpsesto, 9(15), 135-157.