Housing Challenges of Venezuelan Inmigration in Alto Hospicio: Exploring Strategies and Barriers Bibliographically and on the Ground
Venezuelan inmigration, housing challenges, camp, informal settlements, ChileAbstract
Recent migratory dynamics, such as the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis and the increase in entries through unauthorized border crossings, have transformed the landscape of the Tarapacá region, in Chile, intensifying housing challenges such as limited access to adequate housing, which often leads to settlement in precarious camps (informal settlements). This article explores the perceptions of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and state institutions regarding Venezuelan migration and its housing challenges in Iquique and Alto Hospicio. The analysis identifies three key dimensions: administrative and legal barriers that perpetuate migratory irregularity, settlement strategies in contexts considered of extreme vulnerability, such as some informal settlements in Alto Hospicio, and social and symbolic barriers linked to the criminalisation and territorial stigmatisation of irregular migration. The findings reveal both convergences and divergences with academic literature. On the one hand, the dynamism of camps as spaces of agency and the consolidation of housing trajectories are highlighted. However, some CSOs perceive them as spaces of exclusion and criminalization, while also highlighting their role as initial entry points for migrants.
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