Political positions as Unobserved Variables: Analyzing Institutional Trust in the Survey «Problems, Values, Attitudes, and Political Practices»





Institutions, trust, ideology, factorial analysis, parallel analysis


Literature that address the predictors of institutional and governance trust tend to explain that both good and bad evaluations of these types of organizations are largely due to their efficiency or their capacity to generate benefits for the population. Although studies also recognize the existence of other idiosyncratic variables that influence these perceptions, but authors have really not delved into this issue. Our study addresses one of these aspects that the same specialists designate as an exogenous variable in the valuation of institutions, that is, political ideology. With the use of a factorial and parallel analysis it was possible to account for three potential political positions that describe both high and low levels of trust across different types of institutions: i) a pro-authority one; ii) a pro-government and state one, and iii) and a pro-civic institutions one. The results of the study show implications on how political culture in Latin America may be strongly associated with ideological positions that determine beforehand how the institutional favoritism of the population is distributed.


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Author Biography

  • Sebastián Ascui-Gac, Lingnan University



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How to Cite

Ascui-Gac, S., & Thezá-Manríquez, M. (2024). Political positions as Unobserved Variables: Analyzing Institutional Trust in the Survey «Problems, Values, Attitudes, and Political Practices». Estudios Avanzados, 41, 150-172. https://doi.org/10.35588/r6bh3n48

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