A Road to Unease: Geopolitics According to Lt. Gen. Benjamin Rattenbach between 1955 and 1975





Argentinian Armed Forces, Seventies, Organic Intelectual, Geopolitics, Unease


The purpose of this article is to review the thought of Lt. Gen. Benjamin Rattenbach to the discipline of geopolitics between 1955 and 1975 in Argentina. Throughout his professional career, Rattenbach cultivated not only his empirical knowledge of the military universe but also became a theorist in his trade. His production, published in specialized magazines, national newspapers, and books by both military and civilian publishers, served as spaces for training and dissemination of the sociological foundations of the Army. His books published in 1958, 1965, and 1972 can be read as a trilogy that synthesizes his knowledge and opinions on the discipline and complement each other, showing how his thinking to the Armed Forces and the country changes over time. However, in 1955 and 1975 he would dedicate specific sections of his texts to explain his point of view on geopolitics. His way of conceiving the military and national reality would acquire over time an increasingly pessimistic tone, accompanied by a deep uneasiness about the state of the Army and the socio-political situation of Argentina.


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How to Cite

A Road to Unease: Geopolitics According to Lt. Gen. Benjamin Rattenbach between 1955 and 1975 (F. E. Mosiewicki , Trans.). (2023). Estudios Avanzados, 38. https://doi.org/10.35588/estudav.v0i38.5815

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