Ethical Principles

  1. Research Integrity

Revista Culturas Científicas is committed to ensuring that the manuscripts published meet the highest standards of research integrity. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Authenticity and Reliability of Data: Authors must ensure that the data and results presented are original, accurate, and obtained ethically. If requested, primary data must be provided for verification.
  • Compliance with Ethical Standards: In cases where the research involves human subjects, animals, or sensitive information, authors must submit approval from the respective ethics committees.
  • Plagiarism and Originality: Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are prohibited. All manuscripts will undergo analysis using specialized software to ensure originality.
  • Correction of Errors: If significant errors are found in published work, authors are required to collaborate with the editorial team to correct or retract the article, as appropriate.

Failure to comply with these standards will be evaluated by the Editorial Board, which may take corrective actions, including retraction of the article or communication to the relevant institutions.

  1. Authorship and Contribution

Revista Culturas Científicas establishes clear policies to ensure fair and transparent attribution of authorship in submitted works:

  • Definition of Authorship: A person is considered an author if they have significantly contributed to the design, development, analysis, or writing of the manuscript.
  • Contribution Declaration: Upon manuscript submission, the contribution of each author must be specified in a specific section. Individuals who have not contributed substantially to the work (courtesy authors) should not be included, nor should individuals who have contributed be omitted (ghost authors).
  • Authorship Review: In case of disputes about authorship or the order of authors, the journal will follow the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the policies of the involved institutions.
  • Authorship Conflicts: Any disputes related to authorship must be reported to the editor via ‘Comments to the Editor’ or by email for resolution.
  1. Complaints and Appeals Policy

Revista Culturas Científicas offers a clear and transparent procedure for authors and reviewers to submit complaints or appeals related to editorial decisions:

  • Complaints about Review Decisions:
    • Confirm the initial decision.
    • Request a new peer review.
    • Modify the decision based on new evidence.
    • Authors may appeal editorial decisions by sending a formal letter to the editor-in-chief at
    • The appeal must include a detailed justification, pointing out specific points where errors or misunderstandings are perceived in the evaluation.
    • The Editorial Board will review the appeal and may decide:
  • Timelines and Resolution:
    • Complaints will be reviewed within a maximum of 30 business days from their receipt.
    • The resolution will be communicated formally and definitively to the complainant.

Revista Culturas Científicas guarantees fair and impartial treatment in all complaints and appeals, ensuring transparency and respect for the rights of all parties involved.

  1. Privacy Statement

Revista Culturas Científicas collects the names, emails, and other relevant data from its authors, reviewers, and readers in two ways: either upon completing the registration on our official site or by subscribing to our newsletter.

The journal ensures that the names, email addresses, and all other personal information received will be used exclusively for the journal’s established purposes. These include the dissemination of new issues, calls, extensions, or special events. The information received will not be provided to third parties in any way.

It is worth mentioning that users can unsubscribe from the notification system at any time without ceasing to be users of the journal. If you experience problems or have questions about the process, you can contact us at    

  1. Journal's Conflict of Interest Policy

Both authors and reviewers of Revista Culturas Científicas must promptly inform editors of any conflict of interest related to their contributions and/or reviews that may imply bias in their work.

  • Authors must disclose any conflicts in the 'comments to the editor' at the time of manuscript submission. We also appreciate notification of potential reviewers whose participation would create a conflict of interest.
  • Reviewers must declare that they have no conflict of interest regarding the manuscripts they are asked to review. This is part of the review process in OJS. Special emphasis is placed on whether reviewers know, or suspect they know, the identity of the author of the manuscript assigned to them.

In case of any event, a conflict may also be declared via official email ( The different cases received will be deliberated by our Editorial Board according to its ethical guidelines and the relevant guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  1. Journal's Ethical Oversight Policy

Promotion of Ethical-Academic Integrity

The Editorial Team will ensure that the content to be published meets internationally accepted ethical standards. If necessary, authors will be asked to provide relevant ethical evidence (Ethics Committees, Review Boards, etc.). However, obtaining these assurances does not imply that the materials proposed by authors are guaranteed to be ethically sound. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make the final judgment.

Editors will promote ethical safeguards for both published and unpublished works. They will prioritize addressing issues with the authors or those directly concerned. If necessary, due to the magnitude or implications of the ethical breaches, the cases may be brought to other persons and institutions.

  1. Correction and Retraction Policies

If significant inaccuracies, misleading statements, or distorted information are found in published articles, Revista Culturas Científicas will contact the authors to correct them immediately in the online version of the journal. This process must be clearly explained in the publication itself. If, for any reason, the correction is not made, the editors reserve the right to withdraw the content in question.