Form and Content of the Article

1. Required Files
1.1. Mandatory Files
1.2. Optional Files

2. Structure and Formal Aspects
2.1. General Considerations
2.2. Title and Abstract
2.3. Manuscript Preparation and Structure

3. Citation Norms

4. Manuscript Submission


1. Required Files

1.1. Mandatory Files
• A file in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format containing the manuscript to be evaluated. AUTHORS MUST AVOID REVEALING THEIR IDENTITY IN THIS FILE, INCLUDING IN ITS PROPERTIES.
• A file in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format with author information for exclusive use by the editors. This must be presented in less than one page: full names, institutional affiliation, email address, and a brief author introduction (e.g., short CV and research interests). This information will not be disclosed to reviewers.

1.2. Optional Files
• If the submitted manuscript includes images, Greek letters, formulas, or other special characters, a PDF version of the manuscript must also be sent.
• If the manuscript contains images, all images used must also be submitted in JPG format (if there are multiple images, we recommend compressing them). Each image file name should correspond to the page number where it appears in the manuscript (e.g., ‘p.5’). It is important to ensure the quality of the submitted images.

2. Structure and Formal Aspects

2.1. General Considerations
The submitted manuscript must be written in Spanish or English, using Times New Roman 12 font, single-spaced. It must have a maximum of 15,000 words in total, including bibliography and abstracts. Articles exceeding 15,000 words will not be accepted.

2.2. Title and Abstract
Each manuscript must begin with its title in Spanish, followed by an abstract of 200 to 300 words and five keywords not included in the title.
Below this, the same title, abstract, and keywords must be provided in English, adhering to the same word limits. Both items will be included in the final word count.

2.3. Manuscript Preparation and Structure
After the titles and abstracts, the main body of the manuscript should begin. As Culturas Científicas is an interdisciplinary journal, the use of clear and concise language is important.
The text must follow the classic structure [Introduction – Sections – Conclusion – References]. Specifically:

• All sections, except References, must be numbered using Arabic numerals.
• The Introduction section should outline the objectives of the article/research and explain how they will be achieved through subsequent sections.
• Between the Introduction and Conclusion, any necessary sections and subsections can be added, provided they are correctly numbered using decimals (e.g., 1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1) and NEVER LETTERS.
• The Conclusion should revisit the objectives stated in the Introduction and demonstrate how they were achieved through the development of the preceding sections.

3. Citation Norms
Manuscripts under review may use footnotes only to clarify points in the main text and never for citation purposes. Revista Culturas Científicas employs APA 7th Edition (2019) citation norms from its December 2022 issue onward. The entirety of subsection 3 consists of specific guidelines for this citation system, with detailed information available at this link.
Authors are strongly urged to correctly use the citation apparatus to avoid issues of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Please note that submitted manuscripts undergo specialized plagiarism detection, and the Editorial Committee will address any anomalies following the procedures described in our Editorial Policy.
Authors are reminded that all direct quotations must be enclosed in quotation marks [“(€)”], followed by parentheses containing the author, publication year, and page number(s). Moreover, direct quotations exceeding 40 words must be presented as block text, separated by a paragraph break and without quotation marks, but followed by parentheses containing the author, year, and page number(s).
If the citation is paraphrased, only the author and year need to be included in parentheses, with page number(s) optional.

More information about citation types and usage can be found at this link.

4. Manuscript Submission