Editorial work in glocal frameworks: vicissitudes and achievements





glocal discourses, scientific journals, technological colonialism, contents, editorial work


In this presentation of Volume 6 Number 2 of the journal, we include references to the most relevant glocal discourses that have framed the enunciation of this issue, from the global war threat, the results of UN’s COP29 Conference, and the participation in a congress of scientific journals to the proposal of three categories that could define the work of scientific journal publishing. We make a brief history of scientific journals and suggest that the impact of Artificial Intelligence will be one of the defining features of the current stage of scientific publishing. Next, the contents of the issue are described: eight articles, a note and a review. To finish, we acknowledge and thank the author of the cover photo and creator of the journal's logo.


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How to Cite

Farias, M. . (2024). Editorial work in glocal frameworks: vicissitudes and achievements. Árboles Y Rizomas, 6(2), i-xvii. https://doi.org/10.35588/ayr.v6i2.7073