The creepy- spectral in the novel Chilco by Daniela Catrileo




champurria, mestizo, creepy, spectral, contemporary fantastic narrative


This paper approaches the novel Chilco (2023) by the Chilean writer Daniela Catrileo from the creepy-spectral and considers this register within the categories of fantastic narratives through which a critical reading of colonialism and coloniality is made. For this purpose, the analysis has been structured in two parts; the first, named the creepy, gives an account of the mechanisms of colonial and neocolonial power that, in the context of the novel, threaten the survival of human groups and species with their voracious tentacles. A second part refers to the spectral nomadic wanderings - the champurria, quiltro and/or mestizo – that becomes a herd or any other form of inter-species solidarity link. According to the above, it is concluded and projected in this analysis that the creepy-spectral opens possibilities to approach other literary corpora from the contemporary fantastic as a writing and political search by Latin American authors of new forms to represent reality.  


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How to Cite

The creepy- spectral in the novel Chilco by Daniela Catrileo. (2024). Árboles Y Rizomas, 6(1), 73-90.