Intervention of teacher motivation in the achievement of learning objectives: Perception of teachers
Teacher motivation, educational influence, motivational factorsAbstract
Maintaining a conducive classroom environment and achieving the desired outcomes in students are among the many challenges inherent to teaching practice. This study sought to update the perspectives of a group of educators on the design of an engaging, modern, and innovative teaching framework, with a focus on effective strategies and techniques for fostering sound academic practices and motivation. The research employed a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods within a bibliographic, descriptive, and non-experimental framework. The study involved the participation of 25 teachers from an educational institution, who voluntarily completed a questionnaire via a Google Forms link. The questionnaire aimed to assess the degree of motivation, which was evaluated across the following dimensions: creativity, student-teacher relationships, resilience, and persistence. The results indicated that teachers perceive a positive correlation between knowledge, motivation, and effective teaching practices in achieving learning objectives. Additionally, the findings highlight the recognition of teachers' attitudes toward their teaching role and the ongoing improvement of their pedagogical approaches. Finally, a discussion is presented on the use of motivational strategies and the challenges present in the academic context that impede their implementation, emphasizing the importance of fostering greater student engagement.
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