Does the commitment to the community influence the self-efficacy of municipal workers?
self-efficacy, commitment to the community, municipal workerAbstract
The importance of commitment to the community lies in a need for retribution and awareness of the common welfare. That is, that organizations recognize that they are responsible with the environment where they develop (Reyna, 2021). This research seeks to know if the commitment to the community influences the self-efficacy of municipal workers. A community engagement and self-efficacy survey was applied where a sample of 164 employees was obtained. For data analysis, a descriptive study, multivariate analysis, internal consistency, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models were performed. According to the results obtained, it is concluded that with a greater commitment to the community, greater self-efficacy can be obtained. The workers have positive perceptions of how the company links with the different instances of support for the community and those who make it up, in addition to the fact that the level of perceived work self-efficacy is high in all groups of workers.
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