Guggenheim Fellowship, American credentials and “Eurindica” Architecture. An approach to the unpublished collected letters between Angel Guido and Ricardo Rojas (1925-1955)


  • María Florencia Antequera CONICET/Universidad Católica Argentina/Universidad Nacional de Rosario†¬



Epistolary, Angel Guido, Ricardo Rojas, Guggenheim Fellowship, “Eurindica” architectur


This paper puts attention on the collected letters that Angel Guido (Rosario, 1896-1960) and Ricardo Rojas (San Miguel de Tucumán 1882 - Buenos Aires 1957) exchanged between 1931 and 1933 as regards the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship granted to the rosarino architect and the consequent travel to the United States, a meridian fact in his intellectual itinerary. So, we intend to interrogate a writing practice along with his ideological interventions through the autobiographical continent (Antières y Dabbadie, 2019) or laboratory of ideas (Maíz, 2018) that conforms this selection of papers belonging to a major collection of unpublished letters (1925-1955). To say on other terms, we intend to map the interaction of individual matters (which was the architect´s purpose after the Fellowship? which were the changes in his intellectual horizon? which thoughts were put into movement in his professional project during the American travel?) within a wider context where the leading question was the search for an American architecture, emancipated and with “Eurindica” source.




How to Cite

Guggenheim Fellowship, American credentials and “Eurindica” Architecture. An approach to the unpublished collected letters between Angel Guido and Ricardo Rojas (1925-1955). (2020). Palimpsesto, 10(17).