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Author Guidelines

Types of Contributions

Palimpsesto, peer reviewed publication, publish the following types of contributions:

  • Scientific articles: unpublished works which present important outcomes and data from finished or in processes investigations about Latin America, related to Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Reviewing articles: these are works of systematization and synthesis of papers already published. Corresponds to an analysis of positions, results, and analytic associations which distinctions are open and offer new questions and perspectives for further empiric and exploratory investigations.
  • Essays: research based on settled or emergent interpretative structures. Scientific essays build its proposals around the reflection and implementation of said structures in order to offer new points of view and approaches.
  • Sources, documents, and interviews: unpublished papers focused on the information and critic commentary of different data repertory and data considered useful to the development of new research in the Humanities and Social Sciences areas.
  • Reviews: recension and comments about the scientific production published in the last 3 years.

Guidelines for the preparation of articles.

Any contribution to Palimpsesto must follow the next requirements of presentation:

- Format: Word (.doc) system will be used, letter size paper, 2.5 cm margins in every side. The documents must be justified, without special tabulations and just one additional blank line between titles and paragraphs.
- Official languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

  1. Title: must be brief, concise and according to the topic; written in Times New Roman (TNR) 16 point font. At the end of the title, on footer marked with an asterisk (*), will be put the paper’s origin data, if it comes from an investigation project (degree, register, sponsor, year); presentation, conference (place or instance of the speech); if its a personal production or collective; what kind of academical redaction corresponds to; investigation article; reviewing article, essay. In the title, there must be no abbreviations or acronyms. Immediately after the title in the official language, the title must be put in English (translated) in TNR 14 point font.
  2. Abstract: immediately, there must be an abstract of the communication on TNR 11 point font where the relevant elements must be exposed: the investigation problem, interrogation strategy, outcome. This abstract must not exceed 8 lines or 650 characters of text without space. The abstract, as well as the keywords, must be translated into English, in different paragraphs, as Abstract and Keywords.
  3. Body; must be written in TNR font size 12, single spacing. The minimum extension is 8 pages; maximum 30 pages. The writing style must be according to the own style of scientific papers, meeting the IMRAD strategy Generally, the redaction must always be addressed as the traditional structure: Introduction, Problem, Outcome, Conclusions. At the end of the text, all the bibliographical references and sources must be included and organized by medium and alphabetical order. Only the references really consulted and used must be included, avoiding any unnecessary and pompous filling. Ideally, at the end of the text (before the bibliography), there can be brief acknowledgments and recognition. The use of italics is mandatory for newspaper and magazine names (not in quotes). At the same time, the intertext notes and literal quotes of medium size (3 to 5 lines) must use a left indentation and right justified font size 12.
  4. Citation: APA citation norms are followed (American Psychological Association) 6th edition (

6. Graph and images: in the case the contribution has images or graphs, these must be sent in JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, on a compressed folder containing the files. Besides, these must be numerated correlatively and mentioned between parenthesis inside the text.

Bibliographic references APA (6th edition)


  1. Book with a single author

    Surname, initials (s). (years).Title in italics. Country: Publishing House.

    Ej: Darwin, C. (1998). El origen del hombre. Madrid: Biblioteca Edaf.

    -  No date:

Martínez Baca, F. (s, f). Los tatuajes: estudio psicológico y médico-legal en delincuentes y militares. México: Tipografía de la Oficina del Timbre.

- Same date:

Lombroso, C. (1895a). L’homme criminel. Etude antropologique et medico-legale. París: Alcan.

Lombroso, C. (1895b). Los anarquistas. Biblioteca de Estudios Sociales, Buenos Aires: Tonini.

2. Book with three authors.

Berger, P. y Luckmann, T. (1994-1996). Modernidad, pluralismo y crisis de sentido. Barcelona: Paidós.

In the text: (Berger y Luckmann, 1994-1996: 101)

3. Book with three or more authors. All the authors must be mentioned in the first citation, later only the name of the first is written followed by the term et al. This also happens with their citation in the text. For example:

Sears, F. W., Zemansky, M. W., y Young, H. D. (1988). Física universitaria. Argentina: Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana.

Example of the citation in the text mentioned the first time:

Como nos dicen Sears, F. W., Zemansky, M. W., y Young, H. D. en su texto Física universitaria (1988), el comportamiento [€]

As a quote in the text for the first time. (Sears, F. W., Zemansky, M. W., y Young, H. D, 1988: 101).

Used later: Para ello hay que recordar lo que citan Sears et al. (1988), donde nos argumentaban que [€](Sear et al., 1988: 112)

  1. Organization as author. In this case, it is noted in the references the name of the institution as if it were an author. If the publishing house is the same institution, in the reference only the author is named.

    Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (2014). Política Nacional de la Lectura y el Libro 2015-2020. Chile: Autor.

    Como cita en el texto y siendo la primera vez que se menciona: (Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes [CNCA], 2014: 23)

    As a direct citation in the following: (CNCA, 2014: 42)

    5. Unknown author. The name of the paper is written in quotation marks instead of the author.

“Estudios específicos de Ciencia ficción”. (2003). México: Creatividad e Innovación.

6. Chapter of the book: Surname(s), Name or names initials. (Years). Title of the chapter. In A. A. Surname(s) Editor A, B. B. Surname(s) Editor B, and C. Surname(s) Editor C (Eds. o Comps. etc.), Book title (pp. xxx-xxx). Publication place: Publishing house.

Examples: Boekaerts, M. (2009). La evaluación de las competencias de  autorregulación del estudiante. En C. Monereo (coord.), PISA como excusa: repensar la evaluación para cambiar la enseñanza (pp. 55-69). Barcelona: Graó.

7. Electronic book .

Surname, name initials. (Year). Book Title. Recuperado de http://www€

- Electronic Book with DOI:

Surname, name initials. (Year). Book Title. doi:€

Electronic version of printed.

Printed version without DOI:

Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addition? [Versión DX Reader]. London, England: Taylor y Francis.

Printed version with DOI:

Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addition? [Versión DX Reader]. doi: 12. 1035/4848499.

7. Compiled or edited paper.

Example: Mignolo, W. (Comp.). (2001). Capitalismo y geopolítica del conocimiento. Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Signo y Universidad de Duke.


Surnames, Name or names initials. (publication date). Article title. Title of the journal in italics, volume of the journal (number in parentheses), first page - last page of the article.

-       Single author:

Torre Champsour, L. de la (2006). Documentos sobre la música en la catedral de Las Palmas. El Museo Canario, 61, 353-454.

Kelchtermans, G. (1996). Teacher vulnerability: Understanding its moral and political roots. Cambridge Journal of Education, 26 (3), 307-323.

- Two to seven:

Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T. (1993). There's more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteems. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1190-1204.

Llopis, E., Roselló, E., y Villaroya, J. (2009). "Fills de Kassim" un musical para educar en la convivencia cultural. Eufonía: Didáctica de la música, 47, 104-116.

1. Electronic references: Excluding the electronic address unless it does not have DOI. Likewise, excludes the retrieving date unless the source’s server is unstable such as wikis or some databases.

-  Articles. with DOI:

Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective influences on the attentional dynamics supporting awareness. En Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 154, 258–281. doi:10.1037/0096-3445.134.2.258.

-  Articles. Without DOI:

Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective influences on the attentional dynamics supporting awareness. En Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 154, 258–281. Recuperado de:


1. Thesis:  Surname, Name initials. (year). Thesis title. (Degree of the thesis, unpublished). University. Location.

2. Video or film: Kasander, K. y Sainsbury, P. (Productores) y Greenaway, P. (Director). (1986). Una zeta y dos ceros. Reino Unido y Holanda: British Film Institute y Allarts Enterprises. CD.

Torrance, E. (Ed.). (1998). Test of Apa Style Helper Software [CD-ROM]. London: Routledge.

3. Video blog: Gómez, P. P. (2011, Abril 24). Estéticas ecoloniales Walter Mignolo 3.f v [Video file] . Recuperado de

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The names and email addresses published in this journal will be exclusively used for the purposes established by the journal and will not be available for any other purpose or person.