¡No pasarán!: The strength of the madrilenian resistance in the poem by Octavio Paz


  • María Cecilia Luna S.




Spanish Civil War, Mexico, Octavio Paz, Congress, Poem


In the present article the poem No Pasarán! of the writer Octavio Paz will be analyzed from the historical
perspective and the support provided by Mexico to the Spanish Republic as a sample of solidarity at the
beginning of the Civil War in 1936. The perception of the Mexican writer will be studied since his
participation in the Second Congress of Antifascist Writers held in Valencia in 1937 where he gave a
speech together with other writers of different nationalities. It will be identified how the experience of the
war will influence the creative thought of Paz related to a poetry that describes the support to the
republican Spain, putting emphasizing in the idea of what was later called social poetry and how it reflects
the feelings of the masses in facts of war or discrimination.


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How to Cite

¡No pasarán!: The strength of the madrilenian resistance in the poem by Octavio Paz. (2018). Palimpsesto, 8(14), 82-91. https://doi.org/10.35588/jcwbsy43